Posted on 12/08/2022
by Ms. DeAna
I am so happy to report that our evaluation completed last week has been finalized and our school has received the *Highest Star Ranking in the State of Texas* and has been *Accredited by the Texas Rising Star Program*.
In Texas, child care and early learning programs must adhere to minimum standards defined by Child Care Regulations (CCR). These standards help ensure the health and safety of children in care outside of the home.
For an early learning program to meet and maintain Texas Rising Star Certification criteria, the program must demonstrate consistent compliance with Child Care Regulation minimum standards.
Texas Rising Star is intended to measurably improve the quality of child care and early learning programs and thereby enhance children’s development and promote school readiness.
Texas Rising Star Certification Levels:*
The Texas Rising Star program offers three levels of quality certification, which are Two-Star, Three-Star, and Four-Star.
If an early learning program meets all the structural measures for Texas Rising Star certification, the score of the points-based measures are used to determine the star level for each category and ultimately for the program as a whole. Points-based measures are scored and awarded through both in-person observation and document review.
Our Program at Little Explorers Academy is a 4 - Star Level Program, the highest level, in which I hope you can find comfort in knowing that our staff and teachers promote the highest standards possible for your children every day.
I am so PROUD of our Teachers and Staff! *
Well done!
Ms. DeAna